Special education teachers (therapeutic pedagogy)

Special education teachers specialized in therapeutic pedagogy work with students with special educational needs in different areas, depending on limitations of the student and the necessary educational response.

In order to clarify what therapeutic pedagogy means, we must refer to the concept of EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION and its application by the teacher, since it has been and continues to be one of the great challenges for society and the teaching teams that make up our schools.

The task of specialized teachers is to be socially supportive and demonstrate empathy with students who suffer from certain difficulties or a disability, in order to adapt their teaching to the student, their difficulties and needs. What is important for these students is their inclusion and the value that their social relationships offer them over the years of their development.

Special education teachers may help children at different educational stages and in different environments, such as early infancy (0-3 years, nursery schools), preschool (3-6 years), infant and junior school (6-12 years), secondary school, and hospitals. However, they remain focused on the teaching and learning process, and its corresponding goals concerning specific areas and the needs of each student.

AID BONES is an aid for any type of disability, without limitations in terms of age or specific cognitive diseases. It covers a wide range of needs that it has been proven to meet when it comes to learning and motor development. For example, if your child is born with a hand defect, it is essential for parents and teachers to work together to help the child learn to use tools that will guarantee them more independence as they grow older, just as if the child had a stroke, or other illness or disability.

In each classroom, there is a teacher for every X number of students, which means that having personalized individual support is not always possible.

Teachers who have previously used AID BONES have explained to us the importance of having access to inexpensive aids such as this. They say that it they can help more than one child at a time, since each child needs less “hand over hand” assistance, and that it promotes an independent spirit and autonomy in each child, whatever their specific needs.

Since they are hypo-allergenic, easy to clean and do not harbour bacteria, AID BONES can be used by various different students. Their colours are also visually stimulating, and there is no need for other medical prostheses that can be ugly, uncomfortable and inconvenient to use. AID BONES are soft to the touch, ergonomic, comfortable, and adapt to any need in the classroom, such as using a pen, chalk, or colouring pencils, and any other everyday task.