23 Mar Self Esteem = Mental Health
Today we will start talking about Self-esteem = Mental Health and the importance it has to be physically healthy as well.
Self-esteem is defined as the subjective assessment that a person has of himself. It is a set of perceptions among which are the thoughts, feelings and evaluations directed towards oneself, our character or physically by our body.
Having self-esteem is feeling good about yourself.
On many occasions it arises without further ado but in others we have a physical or mental problem that makes us more vulnerable and it is always good to seek help.
Children with good self-esteem:
- They feel good about what they are capable of doing and are proud of themselves.
- They accept themselves even when something does not go well and they try again with the same enthusiasm as the first time.
- They feel highly valued and accepted by others.
- They always see the positive things about themselves.
- They believe in themselves and their achievements.
- They always have goals in mind to develop.
Children with low self-esteem:
- They are hard on themselves and easily give up on any mistake they make.
- They only see the things they do wrong.
- They are not valued in any way.
- They believe that no one accepts or values them.
- They consider that others are always better at everything than themselves.
Childhood is a very important moment for our mental development, which is why we set this example, although low self-esteem can be suffered at any time in life.
According to a study in Perspectives On Psychological Science, the loneliness and isolation caused by low self-esteem is twice as damaging to our mental and physical health as obesity. And it is also noted that people with a mental or psychic health problem are much more likely to have greater cognitive impairment and even suffer from psychosis.
The good thing about this is that self-esteem can be fostered and improved in many ways.
Feeling good about ourselves to have greater emotional, mental and physical stability is very important, if not, seek help!
The majority of patients do not know how to identify that they suffer from low self-esteem. Why? Well, it happens because suffering from it leads to many other problems that at first are the supposed cause of going to the doctor as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Behavior problems
- Addictions…
What symptoms can we take into account since they can indicate that we suffer from low self-esteem:
- I do not express my likes or opinions for fear of rejection by others.
- I’m hardly ever happy with what I do.
- I don’t feel worthy of the good things that happen to me.
- I don’t interact for fear that they don’t like something about me.
- It’s hard for me to finish what I start, “I get demotivated quickly”
- I let myself be stepped on and I do not impose myself when necessary.
- I need the approval of the rest for everything.
- I only think about my flaws and weaknesses.
- Making decisions is very complicated so I let others make them even when it comes to my own life.
- I’m always nervous.
- I envy the lives of the rest.
- I never take the initiative.
- I feel like I have nothing to contribute to the rest.
- I feel ugly and I don’t like my physique.
- I am unhappy.
If you have felt this way at some point, think that the rest of your health problems can come from low self-esteem!!
To start helping yourself, follow the following advice from psychologists:
- Stop beating yourself up.
- Don’t compare yourself to anyone.
- Start being positive.
- Set realistic goals.
- Give constructive criticism of your actions.
- Accept and forgive yourself when you make a mistake.
- Give yourself time.
- Overcome your physical or mental health problems.
- Treat yourself with love and respect always.